Sloping wall with storage boxes, by Dennis

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To make a solution for the sloping wall and efficient use of space, I made three bins that fit neatly and at the same time close off the space neatly.

Custom storage bins

Ordered wood via the website as much as possible to measure, since due to the presence of pipes, adjustments have been made on site to get everything neatly fitted. The bins are made of 28mm MDF. Here it is easy to countersink all screws and neatly conceal them before painting can be done. There are also 4 swivel wheels placed per tray so that the trays can be moved. In addition, the front panels are mitred so that they fit nicely with the existing beam

The dimensions of the bins

Three bins of 70.0 cm wide and 90.0 cm deep,

How next?

Want to make this DIY project? Check out Dennis's saw list and complete your order easily.

164,63 €

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